James cook's route as he scoped out Australia for the first time.
In 1770 James cook sailed the east coast Of Australia and named it “New South Wales”. The Aboriginal Genocide started in 1788 when Europe started to colonize Australia. The wave of massacres ended in the 1900s but still today the Aborigine people struggle to have independence. The second fleet or the “ Death Fleet” arrived in 1790, with 278 dead travelers. This became a burden on Britian and becuase England could not take over with out all of their men. When the British moved in on the Aborigines territory they brought smallpox, which some people say was planned because it killed over 50% of the aboriginal population (Gale). At the beginning, the Aborigines and the British people got along because they traded goods like food and water for land. They then noticed their natural resources were being negatively affected because of the settlers and they were needing to be shared with many more people. This started the rebelling of the Aborigines (Stockdale). In 1868 Europe stopped bringing over their prisoner overflow and started letting normal citizens from Europe move onto the land. For nearly two hundred years Europe and Australia violently fought over the Aborigines home land.